Below is a list of outside lead sources we are currently compatible with for automatic lead parsing into Total Expert.
Lead Sources | Lead Source Name |
220 Marketing Leads | TwoTwentyMarketing |
$500CreditOffer | CreditOffer |
AWeber | AWeber |
BankRate | BankRate |
Base Filter | BaseFilter |
Best Rate Referrals | BestRate |
Blackfire | Blackfire |
Blue Line Home Loan | BlueLineHomeLoan |
Bold Leads | BoldLeads |
Bold Leads Service | BoldLeadsService |
Boomtown ROI | BoomtownRoi |
Brevity | Brevity |
CardTapp | CardTapp |
Champion Lender | Champion |
Chime | Chime |
Cloud CMA | CloudCma |
Commissions Inc | CommissionsInc |
Commissions Inc Hype | CommissionsIncHype |
Commissions Inc Reassignment | CommissionsIncReassignment |
Conversion Kings | ConversionKings |
CreditOffer | CreditOffer |
Downpayment.Org | DownpaymentOrg |
Easy Agent Pro | EasyAgentPro |
Empower Funnels | EmpowerFunnels |
Empower Funnels Lead Pops | EmpowerFunnelsLeadpops |
EZ Marketing | EZMarketing |
Faucet Marketing | FaucetMarketing |
Firepoint | Firepoint |
Follow Up Boss | FollowUpBoss |
Free Rate Update | Free Rate Update |
FSBOHomes | FSBOHomes |
Harcourts Prime Property | HarcourtsPrime |
HER Realtors | HERRealtors | | HomesDotCom |
Home Value Store | HomeValueStore |
House Gather | HouseGather |
House Hunt | HouseHunt |
Hubspot - Contour | HubspotContour |
Instapage | Instapage |
kall8 | KALL8 |
KVCore | KVCore |
Kunversion | Kunversion |
Landing Lion | LandingLion |
Lead Mailbox | LeadMailbox |
Lead Assign | LeadAssign |
Lead Concierge - Mortgage | LeadConciergeMortgage |
Lead Concierge - Real Estate | LeadConciergeRealEstate |
Lead Point | Leadpoint |
LeadPops | LeadPop | | LeadRelay |
LeadSync | LeadSync |
Lender 2 Agent Leads | Lender2Agent |
LenderHomePage | LenderHomePage |
Listing Booster - Home Tour | ListingBoosterHomeTour |
Listing Booster - Text Lead | ListingBoosterTextLead |
Listing to Leads | Listing to Leads |
Loanbright | LoanBright |
Loan Surfer | LoanSurfer |
LowerMyBills | LowerMyBills | | MarketingAccelerated |
Market Leader | MarketLeader |
Military Home Search | MHSFacebook |
Military Home | MHSIdx |
Mobility Market Intelligence | MMI |
MobilityRE | MobilityRE |
MobilityShowing | MobilityShowing | | MortgagePlanners |
Mortgage Research Center | MortgageResearchCenter | | MyTampaHomeFinder |
New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency | NJHMFA Leads |
Opcity | Opcity |
Open House Wizard | OpenHouseWizard |
Options Financial | OptionsFinancial |
Outer Banker | OuterBanker |
Perfect Storm | PerfectStorm |
POWr | POWr |
Pronto by Alterra Home Loans | ProntoAlterra | | ProntoLeads |
Qazzoo | Qazzoo |
Quick Quote Mortgage | QuickQuote |
Radpad | Radpad |
Homebase | RealogyHomeBase |
Real Pin | Realpin | | RealtorDotCom | Smart Lead | RealtorDotComSmartLead |
Roanoke Home Loan Pro | RoanokeHomeLoanPro |
Rolo CRM | RoloCrm |
Seattle Debt Consol | SeattleDebtConsol |
Sierra Interactive | Sierra Interactive |
Simon Houses | SimonHouses |
Spacio | Spacio |
StreetText | Streettext |
Survey Gizmo | Surveygizmo |
Thoroughbred Performance Marketing | ThoroughbredPM |
Tiger Leads | TigerLeads |
Top Agent Marketing Solutions | TopAgentMarketingSolutions | | UpdateDotCom | | UPMTG |
USDA Loans Direct | USDALoansDirect |
Velocify | Velocify | | |
WebLeads | WebLead |
WordPress | Wordpress |
Wufoo | Wufoo |
Wufoo Facebook | WufooFB |
Ylopo | Ylopo |
Zillow Mortgage | (details on setting up below) |
Zbuyer | ZBuyer |
Zoho | Zoho |
To set up lead forwarding from any of the services listed above, all you need to do is change (or add) the email address that receives the notifications of leads to [email protected] (ex. [email protected]).
Leads are not created if the 3rd party TE user email is set as a secondary or alternate. The TE user email needs to be set as the primary email.
You can find your username for Total Expert by going to Account Settings.
Click HERE to learn how to have your Zillow leads forwarded to your Total Expert account.