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How to Invite Co-Marketing Partners

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There are 2 ways to begin the co-marketing process:

  1. From the Co-Marketing Partners page (select Co-Marketing Partners from the navigation menu)
    1. This works whether or not the desired co-marketing partner is already one of the user’s contacts.
  2. From the Contacts list (Leads & Contacts > Contacts)
    1. This only works if the desired co-marketing partner is already one of the user’s contacts.

From the Co-Marketing Partners Page

  1. Click the Invite New Connections button. The Create Co-Marketing Connection(s) box opens.
    1. On the first step of this box, you can search for existing Total Expert contacts by name or type in the email address for the co-marketing partner you want to co-market with.

  1. Click the Next button after entering the name or email address.

From this point, continue with Pre-Filling Profiles below.*

*Note: Depending on your organization's setup, you may not have the option to pre-fill accounts. In that case, once you click the Next button, you'll simply be prompted to send the email invitation.

From the Contacts List

  1. Select the contact you want to co-market with. If you select more than 1 contact, you cannot complete the next step.
  2. Select Actions > Marketing > Invite to Co-Market.
  3. Click the Set up Profile button.

From this point, continue with Pre-Filling Profiles below.*

*Note: Depending on your organization's setup, you may not have the option to pre-fill accounts. In that case, once you click the Next button, you'll simply be prompted to send the email invitation.

Pre-Filling Profiles

Fill out the form with the partner’s information. All the fields in the form are optional.

Note: Only one profile can be pre-filled at a time.

If the selected contact has any of the following information in their profile, it is populated into the profile setup form for you.

  1. Enter the following information into the profile on behalf of the partner:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Company
    4. Street Address
    5. Suite/Unit/Building/Floor/Other
    6. City
    7. State
    8. Zip
    9. Job Title
    10. Office Phone
    11. Mobile Phone
    12. Time Zone
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Fill out the partner’s MLS and license information:
    1. License Number
    2. MLS Agent ID
    3. MLS Association
  4. Click the Next button.
  5. Upload images for the partner’s account:
    1. Profile Photo
    2. Logo Image

Note: If the desired co-marketing partner is an existing contact in the Total Expert platform, the information you enter as part of the pre-fill process will not update the original contact record but will be reflected in the new user account.

  1. Click the Next button.
  2. At this point, you can either:
    1. Send an email to the co-marketing partner (select the Yes, send email option).
      1. The account will be created and an email will be sent to the co-marketing partner inviting them to set up their account with Total Expert and partner with you.
    2. Just create their account (select the No, don’t send email; I’ll reach out directly option).
      1. The account will be created.

  1. Click the Confirm and Create Account button.

The co-marketing partner’s account is created, and you are free to create any co-branded marketing materials with the partner and share it as usual. The only exception is that you will not be able to send any co-branded materials to a printer; this requires cost sharing, and the co-marketing partner must have accepted the invitation for cost sharing to work correctly. (You will see an error if you attempt to send a co-branded document to the printer before the partner accepts the invitation.)

Need more help? Click HERE to view our co-marketing FAQ content. 

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