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How to Integrate With Zillow

Usernames cannot be used more than once. You need to create a new unique username that has not been used if you are resetting your Zillow integration. 

This integration automatically pushes leads from Zillow to Total Expert and changes them into contacts. 

  • There is an extra step to integrate for enhanced security measures.
  • This integration is not available to users with free accounts (typically real estate agents). The option known as Zillow Tech Connect is no longer available with Total Expert.

  1. In the top navigation bar, click your account name > Integration Settings.
  2. Next to the Zillow integration, click Connect with Zillow
  3. Under Create Username, input a username. 
  4. Under Select an entity to create with this integration, choose Contacts
  5. Click Generate my Passcode.
  6. Copy the following pieces of information and paste/save them in a separate document:
    • Username
      • Note: Usernames cannot be used more than once. You need to create a new unique username that has not been used if you are resetting your Zillow integration.
    • Zillow Referring URL
    • Password
      • Note: You cannot retrieve your Zillow password from Total Expert if you leave this page. 
  7.  You then need to email Zillow support at [email protected]to continue to your integration process.
    • Click HERE to learn more about the one-way integration with Zillow. 

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