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Contact Groups FAQ

What Is the Difference Between Smart and Manual Groups?

  • Manual Groups - Group that does not have any connected criteria or filters added. This method is only if you want to manually add or remove contacts from the group. Click HERE to learn more.
  • Smart Groups - Group that automatically and dynamically adjusts the contacts within the group due to certain filters or conditions that you have added. Click HERE to learn more. 

Why Can't I Edit Some Groups?

There are some groups that cannot be edited. These groups are called Default Groups and they are added during the account creation process.

  • Please reach out to your internal administration team for more information.

Are Required Groups Within Inclusion and Exclusion Rules Still Treated as Normal Groups?

Yes. The required groups that are selected via inclusion or exclusion filters include or exclude the contacts within the normal group.

I Accidentally Updated My Smart Group Filter Criteria and Some Contacts Were Removed. Is There a Way To Recover Those Contacts That Were Removed From the Group?

There is no way to do this in the platform. Please reach out to Customer Support for more assistance.

What Happens When Two Contacts That Are in Separate Groups Get Merged Together?

The contact is added to each group that both contacts initially were part of. 

  • Ex: Contact 1 was part of group A, and contact 2 was part of group B. After the merge, the contact is now part of group A and group B. This can take a few minutes to populate.

When Contacts Are Assigned, Do They Automatically Get Added to the Smart Group of the New User?

Yes, they do. 

  • Ex: If one LO has a smart group of Minneapolis residents, and then assigns a contact to another LO with the same smart group, that contact automatically is added to the new smart group of the assigned user.

If Contacts Are Setup to Automatically Flow Into a Group Depending on an LOS, Do They Still Enter That Group if They Come Through a Different Initial Source?

Yes, they are added to that group. You are updating an existing contact so you can update that contact to be in a different group. 

Who Can Edit Non-Editable Contact Groups?

Please reach out to our Customer Support team for assistance in doing this.

Can I Merge Two or More Groups Together?

No. You need to delete the group that is duplicated. 

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