What is Zapier?
Zapier is a third-party integration automation tool that enables the user to build workflows that connect two or more platforms.
The primary usage of this application is to automate the creation of leads and/or contacts in the Total Expert platform. You can also create SMS Opt In and SMS Opt Out requests for Total Expert leads or contacts.
How Do I Get Started?
Zapier offers a get started guide. Click HERE to learn more.
How Do I Get Access to Total Expert’s Zapier App??
You must first have a Zapier account. It can be the free tier. Because Total Expert's app is not publicly available in the Zapier Marketplace, access to the app must also be requested. To request access, follow this link:
and choose Total Expert 2.1.0.
Does Zapier Cost Anything?
The use of Zapier through Total Expert costs nothing. Zapier, however, does have certain pricing depending on the usage.
Where Can I Get Zapier Integration Help?
All assistance and troubleshooting with the integration must go through Zapier Support.
How does a customer get access to Total Expert’s Zapier App?
Customers must first have a Zapier account. It can be the free tier. Because our App is not publicly available in the Zapier Marketplace, access to the Appmust also be requested. To request access, contact[email protected]. How does a customer get access to Total Expert’s Zapier AppCustomers must first have a Zapier account. It can be the free tier. Becauseour App is not publicly available in the Zapier Marketplace, access to the Appmust also be requested. To request access, contact[email protected].
Does the Integration Work For My Entire Organization?
The integration is only available at the user level.
Does Zapier Support Custom Total Expert Fields?
What Fields Are Supported?
Contacts | Leads |
Title | Title |
Suffix | Suffix |
Contact External ID | Contact External ID |
First Name | First Name |
Last Name | Last Name |
Nickname/Preferred Name | Nickname/Preferred Name |
Source | Source |
Phone (Cell) | Phone (Cell) |
Phone (Home) | Phone (Home) |
Phone (Office) | Phone (Office) |
Fax | Address (Line 1) |
Address (Line 1) | Address (Line 2) |
Address (Line 2) | City |
City | State |
State | Zip Code |
Zip Code | Birthday |
Birthday | OK to Mail |
Employer Name | OK to Email |
Employer Address | OK to Call |
Employer Address 2 | Credit Rating |
Employer City | Credit Score Date |
Employer State | Referred By |
Employer Zip | Property Type |
OK to Mail | Property Value |
OK to Email | Property County |
OK to Call | Property Zip |
Credit Rating | Property State |
Credit Score Date | Property MSA |
Referred By | Loan Amount |
Close Date | Loan Down Payment |
LinkedIn URL | Loan Cash Out |
Contact Group Name | Property Use |
Loan Request Type | |
Lead Price | |
Tracking Number | |
Annual Income | |
First Time Buyer | |
Has Agent |