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How Can I Import My Contacts Into Total Expert?


Your organization may have an alternative area where contact imports should be sent. Please check with your internal administration team first.

Total Expert is able to import your contacts for you. All you need to do is add your contacts to a CSV spreadsheet then send that file to [email protected].

In our ongoing effort to ensure data integrity, Total Expert requires contact imports for a co-marketing agent's account to be submitted by the account holder. The account holder can submit the import by emailing [email protected] or by using the Support chat widget in Total Expert. 


How to Create an Import Contact Data Spreadsheet

  1. Download the Contact Import Template (located at the bottom of this article). 
  2. Input the required and necessary information (see table below for in-depth column information). 
  3. Double check your file for any typos or spelling errors.
    • Note: Total Expert is not responsible for any formatting errors. 
  4. Save your spreadsheet as a CSV file. 
  5. Send your file to [email protected] or use the chat widget.

Data Requirements

  • Each contact must have the following in order to be successfully imported:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address OR phone number OR full address
  • You do not need to use every column header. 
  • The spreadsheet must be saved as a CSV file. 
  • Each column header must clearly indicate what data is being imported. 
    • Ex: Cell Phone or Contact.phone_cell for the contact's cell phone number. 
  • Each contact needs to be separated by first and last name. If the contact has a middle name or middle initial, add it to either the "First Name" or "Last Name" column header. 
  • You must have a "Group" or "" column to put a contact into a specific group. To put a contact into a more than one group, enter multiple groups under the "Group" column and separate them with commas (no spaces). 
    • Ex: Realtor,Seller's Agent,Friend

Duplicate Contacts

  • Contacts that do not already exist in your database are imported as a new contact. 
  • Contacts are not duplicated if there is a contact in your import that matches a contact already in your database. If the name is an exact match and at least one of the contact's contact information matches (email, phone number, address), no duplicate will be imported. 
  • If a contact already exists in your database and you have updated or added information for that contact in your import, that contact's information is updated if the first name, last name, and contact information match exactly. 

Contact Import Template Column Headers

Column HeaderPurposeExample (if applicable) 
Contact.f_nameContact's First name
Contact.l_nameContact's Last name
Contact.nicknameContact's Nickname
Contact.titleContact's TitleMr, Mrs, Ms, etc., 10 character limit
Contact.suffixContact's SuffixJr, III, etc.
Contact.emailContact's Email
Contact.ok_to_emailIf the contact is opted out of email communicationOpted out = 0, FALSE
Opted in = 1, TRUE
If not applicable, this can be left blank or not included
Contact.lead_sourceThe source of the, Referral, LOS, etc.
ContactGroup.nameThe name of any groups the contact should be a part of.  Multiple groups can be separated with a comma"Realtors,Clients,Friends" would put the contact into the Realtors group, Clients group, and Friends group within your account.
ContactNote.notesAny general notes for the contactIf you need to note anything for the contact that does not fall within another field
Contact.phone_cellContact's Cell Phone Number
Contact.phone_homeContact's Home Phone Number
Contact.phone_officeContact's Office Phone Number
Contact.ok_to_callIf the contact is opted out of phone communicationOpted out = 0, FALSE
Opted in = 1, TRUE
If not applicable, this can be left blank or not included
Contact.addressContact's Address
Contact.address_2Contact's Address Line 2
Contact.cityContact's City
Contact.stateContact's State
Contact.zipContact's Zip
Contact.ok_to_mailIf the contact is opted out of mail communicationOpted out = 0, FALSE
Opted in = 1, TRUE
If not applicable, this can be left blank or not included
Contact.employerContact's Employer
Contact.employer_addressContact's Employer's Address
Contact.employer_address_2Contact's Employer's Address Line 2
Contact.employer_cityContact's Employer's City
Contact.employer_stateContact's Employer's State
Contact.employer_zipContact's Employer's Zip
Contact.birthdayContact's BirthdayCan be formatted as MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY
Contact.credit_scoreContact's Credit Score
Contact.credit_score_dateThe date the Contact's Credit Score was checked
Contact.credit_score_expire_dateThe date the Contact's Credit Score expires
Contact.list_dateThe listing date of the Contact's property
Contact.close_dateThe closing date of the Contact's property
Contact.referred_toIf you referred the contact to another person/party
Contact.referred_byIf another person/party referred the contact to you
Contact.spouse_f_nameContact's Spouse's First Name
Contact.spouse_l_nameContact's Spouse's Last Name
Contact.spouse_titleContact's Spouse's TitleMr, Mrs, Ms, etc., 10 character limit
Contact.spouse_suffixContact's Spouse's SuffixJr., III, etc.
Contact.spouse_emailContact's Spouse's Email Address
Contact.spouse_phone_homeContact's Spouse's Home Phone Number
Contact.spouse_phone_cellContact's Spouse's Cell Phone Number
Contact.spouse_phone_officeContact's Spouse's Office Phone Number
Contact.spouse_addressContact's Spouse's Address
Contact.spouse_address_2Contact's Spouse's Address Line 2
Contact.spouse_cityContact's Spouse's City
Contact.spouse_stateContact's Spouse's State
Contact.spouse_zipContact's Spouse's Zip
Contact.spouse_employerContact's Spouse's Employer
Contact.spouse_ok_to_callIf the If the contact's spouse is opted out of phone communicationOpted out = 0, FALSE
Opted in = 1, TRUE
If not applicable, this can be left blank or not included
Contact.spouse_ok_to_mailIf the If the contact's spouse is opted out of mail communicationOpted out = 0, FALSE
Opted in = 1, TRUE
If not applicable, this can be left blank or not included
Contact.linkedin_urlContact's Linkedin Page
Contact.other_urlAnother Website relating to the contact
Contact.website_urlContact's Website
Contact.pre_approval_issued_dateThe date the contact was issued a pre-approval

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