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Customer Submission Requirements

The items below are requirements of all requests sent to the Content Marketing Services team. Some additional specifics may apply for additional request types. Please contact your coordinator or the [email protected] for more information. 

  1. All designs must be in a packaged InDesign file. We do not accept Word, Paint, PDFs, or Illustrator files.

  2. All professionally printed designs must have bleeds on the file, even if your design includes a white border. While some files may have different bleed requirements, the standard bleeds are .125in all sides.

  3. The page size should only be adjusted from the document setup page. Adjusting it from the “Pages” tool may make the visual size of the page different from the document size and we are unable to process the request.

  4. The document size must match the final output size of the media type. For example, a standard print flyer must be 8.5x11in (with the required bleeds). Document size and bleeds can be set in the Document Set Up of InDesign.

  5. All packaged InDesign files must include all fonts required to complete the design. Total Expert does not purchase fonts.

  6. All packaged InDesign files must have all images linked appropriately. We are unable to complete a design with a missing image.

  7. All requests must be accompanied by a marked up PDF identifying the desired functionality, especially when a request requires additional editable fields, formulas, and data points (for data integrated assets).

  8. All email signatures must be provided with a web-safe font. Not all email clients support your custom fonts, and it is best practice to create signatures with web-safe fonts instead.

  9. All email signatures will require a desktop design and a mobile design.

  10. All branding updates must be submitted with our standard Customer Branding Workbook.

  11. To request a disclaimer logic update, you must provide the disclaimer name that needs updating, as well as any new variables or logic you desire for the update.

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