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How to Read My Email Statistics

The Email Stats tab gives you a look into how well your direct messages, journeys, and drip campaigns are engaging with their recipients. 

How to Find My Email Stats

Navigate to Email Marketing > Email Stats.

Template Level Stats

Clicking on a column title sorts your list according to that column.

  • Name - The name of an email template that was sent (or is pending). Click the name of the email to see in-depth stats regarding all the attempted deliveries of this template on this attempt (see below for more on this).
  • Type - The method used to send this template. For example: Direct Message, Journey, or Drip Campaign.
  • Send Date - The date and time the message was sent.
  • Total - The number of recipients targeted by the message on this attempt.
  • Canceled - The percentage of messages in this attempt that were stopped before sending.
  • Sent - The percentage of messages in this attempt that the platform attempted to send.
  • Delivered - The percentage of messages in this attempt that were successfully delivered to recipients' inboxes.
  • Open Rate - The percentage of messages in this attempt that were opened by the recipient.
  • Click Rate - The percentage of messages in this attempt where the recipient clicked at least 1 link in the email.
  • Bounces - The percentage of messages in this attempt that could not be delivered due to the wrong email address on file, a full inbox, or a rejection from the recipient email.
  • Failures - The percentage of messages in this attempt that were not delivered but did not generate a "bounce" response.
  • Unsubscribes - The number of recipients who chose to unsubscribe.
  • Spam Complaints - The number of recipients who flagged the email as spam.

Recipient Level Stats

Click on an email template in the list to see the statistics for each intended recipient in this attempt. The top of the page shows some general stats summarizing information from the table.

Clicking on a column title sorts your list according to that column.

  • Actions - A menu of options you can choose from to do something with a specific recipient's contact record.
  • First Name and Last Name - The name of the specific recipient the template was sent to. Click the first name to see their contact record.
  • Sent - Whether or not the platform has attempted to send the template to this recipient.
  • Send Date - The date and time the message was sent.
  • Delivered Count - Whether or not the template was successfully delivered to this recipient's inbox.
  • Opened - Whether or not the template was opened by this recipient.
  • Open Date - The date and time the template was opened by the recipient. If they opened it more than once, this is the most recent instance.
  • Open Count - The number of times the template has been opened by the recipient.
  • Clicked Link - The specific link in the email clicked by the recipient. If they have clicked more than 1 link, the most recent click is listed here.
  • Bounced - Whether or not  the message bounced when attempting to send to this recipient.
  • Failed - Whether or not  the message failed when attempting to send to this recipient. 
  • Unsubscribed - Whether or not this recipient clicked an unsubscribe link in the email.
  • Complained - Whether or not this recipient flagged the email as spam.
  • There are also several other data points associated with the contact's record listed (you may need to scroll to the right to see them all).

Take Action on Contact

  1. On the template stats page, click the name of an email template to open the recipient stats page.
  2. In the Actions column, click the options button [...]
  3. Choose an action from the drop-down list. These actions are similar to what you can do from the contact details page.

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