Your organization may limit the information that you can change in your account settings, so please reach out to them for updates. Please reach out to our Product Support Team at [email protected] if you do not know who to contact.
- If you are having issues with how your logo appears on your print or marketing materials, it could be because your logo is too big. Logos tend to shrink when they do not conform to the dimensions of the logo space on the flyer.
- You need to recreate your marketing material after you update your logo in order to see the change.
The recommended size and resolution is a 2:3 ratio and 300DPI
- In the top navigation bar, click your account name > Marketing Profile.
- Under Account Images, next to Company Logo, click File Upload.
- Choose your image from your desktop.
- Note: Recommended image size is 2:3 ratio and 300DPI. You can only use .jpeg, .jpg, .png, and .gif file types.
- Click Save Changes when finished.
After updating your company logo or profile image, you may need to refresh your page in order to see the updated picture(s).