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How to Use the MLS

You can set images in your template to replace with property photos pulled from your MLS feed. In order to do so, set up images that replace property photos by right clicking on your image > choosing Image Replace > Property > Image 1-- be sure to set your images in chronological order for better sorting. 

In your template, open the design and choose properties from your MLS. You can add certain amount of images depending on how the template is set up when your MLS data is completely setup.

How to Use MLS in a Design

  1. Within your templates, choose a template and click Create Design.
    • A pop-up box appears.
  2. Add your address/MLS number > Create Design
  3. Note: Click Create Design if you do not want to add address or MLS information.
    • A pop-up box appears.
  4. Click Create Design to continue. 
    • Your new design template opens.
  5. You can see a preview of the default information from the MLS. There, you can add or modify the information you want to appear in your design. You can also see a preview of the selected design example, which includes two photographs and other design elements.
    • The suggested property description is up to 500 characters long. 
  6. Scroll down where you can select from the MLS Gallery and where the two photographs the selected design example brings. 
    • Note: When creating the design, the chosen photos are automatically added to the design in the selection order. If you choose Select ALL, the rest of the images are in a folder under your My Uploads with the name of the listing as the folder name.

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