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There are 2 ways to begin the co-marketing process:
- From the Co-Marketing Partners page (select Co-Marketing Partners from the navigation menu)
- This works whether or not the desired co-marketing partner is already one of the user’s contacts.
- From the Contacts list (Leads & Contacts > Contacts)
- This only works if the desired co-marketing partner is already one of the user’s contacts.
From the Co-Marketing Partners Page
- Click the Invite New Connections button. The Create Co-Marketing Connection(s) box opens.
- On the first step of this box, you can search for existing Total Expert contacts by name or type in the email address for the co-marketing partner you want to co-market with.
- Click the Next button after entering the name or email address.
From this point, continue with Pre-Filling Profiles below.*
*Note: Depending on your organization's setup, you may not have the option to pre-fill accounts. In that case, once you click the Next button, you'll simply be prompted to send the email invitation.
From the Contacts List
- Select the contact you want to co-market with. If you select more than 1 contact, you cannot complete the next step.
- Select Actions > Marketing > Invite to Co-Market.
- Click the Set up Profile button.
From this point, continue with Pre-Filling Profiles below.*
*Note: Depending on your organization's setup, you may not have the option to pre-fill accounts. In that case, once you click the Next button, you'll simply be prompted to send the email invitation.
Pre-Filling Profiles
Fill out the form with the partner’s information. All the fields in the form are optional.
Note: Only one profile can be pre-filled at a time.
If the selected contact has any of the following information in their profile, it is populated into the profile setup form for you.
- Enter the following information into the profile on behalf of the partner:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
- Street Address
- Suite/Unit/Building/Floor/Other
- City
- State
- Zip
- Job Title
- Office Phone
- Mobile Phone
- Time Zone
- Click the Next button.
- Fill out the partner’s MLS and license information:
- License Number
- MLS Agent ID
- MLS Association
- Click the Next button.
- Upload images for the partner’s account:
- Profile Photo
- Logo Image
Note: If the desired co-marketing partner is an existing contact in the Total Expert platform, the information you enter as part of the pre-fill process will not update the original contact record but will be reflected in the new user account.
- Click the Next button.
- At this point, you can either:
- Send an email to the co-marketing partner (select the Yes, send email option).
- The account will be created and an email will be sent to the co-marketing partner inviting them to set up their account with Total Expert and partner with you.
- Just create their account (select the No, don’t send email; I’ll reach out directly option).
- The account will be created.
- Send an email to the co-marketing partner (select the Yes, send email option).
- Click the Confirm and Create Account button.
The co-marketing partner’s account is created, and you are free to create any co-branded marketing materials with the partner and share it as usual. The only exception is that you will not be able to send any co-branded materials to a printer; this requires cost sharing, and the co-marketing partner must have accepted the invitation for cost sharing to work correctly. (You will see an error if you attempt to send a co-branded document to the printer before the partner accepts the invitation.)
Need more help? Click HERE to view our co-marketing FAQ content.