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How to Send SMS Messages to Contacts

SMS messages are sent between 10:00am - 7:00pm CST. Messages sent outside of this window are queued up to send at 10:00am the next day. Please reach out to your administrator if you would like to customize your SMS sending window. 

Click HERE to learn more about our SMS compliance requirement changes.

  1. On the left navigation, click Leads & Contacts > Contacts.
  2. Use the search bar to quickly find your contact(s). 
    • Search by name, email, or phone number. 
  3. Click Actions > Send SMS
    • A pop-up box appears if the contact has not yet opted in. Click Yes to continue. 
  4. Choose the number you want the message to send from then input your message. 
  5. Click Send
    • If this is the first SMS message you have sent from Total Expert, a pop-up box with a TCPA Disclaimer appears. You must accept this disclaimer.
      Note: The TCPA can only be accepted by logging directly into an account. You will not be able to accept the TCPA on behalf of others on your team.

  6. Choose OK to acknowledge the disclaimer. 

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